
Breeze Lionkunt

Requires the following items: HS2 DX HF Patch 1.4 Nyaacho skin mods K1T0 & K1TN mods…

Agnes Farquharson

Requires the following items: HS2 DX HF Patch 1.4 Nyaacho skin mods Bone92ex’s face and body overlay K1T…

Wonder Woman

Required: HS2 DX, HF Patch 1.4, and K1T0 & K1TN mods. You can get K1T0 & K1TN mods from here: https://…

Nicole Kidman

Required: HS2 DX, HF Patch 1.4, and Bone92ex’s face and body overlay.…

Joanne Tremblay (Cosplaying as Milly Ashford)

Required: HS2 DX, HF Patch 1.4, and Bone92ex’s face and body overlay.…

Joan Severance (The Supermodel of the 1980s)

Required: HS2 DX, HF Patch 1.4, and Bone92ex’s face and body overlay.…

Crystal Summer

Required: HS2 DX, HF Patch 1.4, and Bone92ex’s face and body overlay.…